Vitrine: Catherine Czacki: Old Natures haunt

Old Natures haunt

JOAN presents the installation and vitrine-based project Old Natures haunt by Catherine Czacki. An accumulation of her found and gifted objects have a simple yet enigmatic presence. Slight alterations and pairings reorient the quotidian with a vitality that slows and complicates their viewing.


The darkness of the shiny things that live in caves. (Foucault)

Still life – for life to be still. Order on the low plane (Bryson / Woolf)

Hands and minds just below the surface.

Not just hands, hoofs and claws as well. And swamp things. (Foucault)

Pressing shapes into other shapes. The fleshy colored but not actual flesh – bearing a resemblance to their propagating friends.

This compacted petroleum will outlast – dinosaur bones distilled, old nature haunting in new processed forms. Melting, sinking, disintegrating, pulverizing – waiting – bubbling up, exploding, emerging, returning.

The imperative to order, to keep accumulating. Negotiate the forms with dual fissures of intimacy and description.

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